... boris flat 3d text(扁平的三维字体[不支持中文]) de puffy clouds(膨胀的云) infinity arp 2(无限扭曲) ...
一个叫 Animoto的网站,该网站向其用户提供上传自拍MTV视频的服务。 它轻易地解决了自身规模急剧膨胀的问题,因为它可以通过云计算动态地供应服务器。
a site called Animoto, which enables users to build MTV-like videos, handily managed its own huge spike in demand because it was able to dynamically provision server power from the cloud.
Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment.
因此,另一个解释就是,膨胀着的残骸云正在清扫成块的星际物质,从而塑造了SNR 0104那奇特的外形。
So, an alternative explanation is that the expanding debris cloud is sweeping up clumpy interstellar material, accounting for the odd shape of SNR 0104.