... self-adaptive control 自适应控制 self-adaptive controller 自适应控制器 self-adaptive system 自适应系统 ...
模式识别自适应控制器 PRAC
模型参考自适应控制器 RMRAC
无模型自适应控制器 MFAC ; Model Free Adaptive Controller
型自适应控制器 Model Free Adaptive Controller ; MFA
pid自适应控制器 adaptive neural pid controller
模型自适应控制器 Model Free Adaptive Controller ; MFA
滑模自适应控制器 Sliding Adaptive Controller
模糊自适应控制器 fuzzy adaptive controller
鲁棒自适应控制器 robust adaptive controller
Energy-based adaptive controller design.
参考来源 - 欠驱动非线性桥式吊车自动控制系统研究Based on the Lyapunov stability theory,an adaptive controller and the parameters update law are designed for unknown NNs.
参考来源 - 生物电信号处理及神经网络的混沌同步研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In this paper we design a fuzzy self-tuning controller which can be used in motion control of oceanic dynamic positioning systems.
The closed-loop system is proved to be bounded-input and bounded-output stable when the multiple model adaptive controller is used.
Adaptive controllers based on simplified linear and nonlinear models are studied by simulation and the results show that the latter has better property of convergence.