...:ZigBee 技术;农田;节水灌溉;监测控制网络 [gap=5865]Key words: ZigBee technology, Farmland, water-efficient irrigation, Measuring and contorlling network ...
节水灌溉面积 water-saving irrigated farmland
卓耳节水灌溉 ZOOR
节水灌溉技术 Stanza water irrigation technique ; water-saving irrigation technology ; water-saving irrigation technique ; saving irrigation technology
cn节水灌溉 cn irrigation
节水灌溉新技术 Agricultural Technology & Equipment ; new irrigation technique ; new water-saving irrigation technique
节水灌溉分区 division of water-saving irrigation ; water saving irrigation regionalization ; zones for water-saving irrigation
节水灌溉制度 water-saving irrigation regime ; water-saving irrigation procedure
行走式节水灌溉 self-propelled water-saving irrigation ; walking-type irrigation
集雨节水灌溉 rainwater collection irrigation
It is correct road and lasting-assignment to develop water-saving irrigation agriculture in 21 century.
参考来源 - 日光温室不同渗灌处理对番茄生长及产量形成影响的研究Therefore, this study will provide reference for deepening change and establishing policy of agricultural water-saving irrigation technology.
参考来源 - 农业节水灌溉技术应用的经济分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress