五星文秘网 - 海量免费文章资讯 | 我们致力于为文秘工作者提供动力! 关键词】 节水灌溉;技术,趋势,建议 [gap=215]Key words】Stanza water irrigation;Technique, trend, suggestion
节水灌溉技术 Stanza water irrigation technique ; water-saving irrigation technology ; water-saving irrigation technique ; saving irrigation technology
田间节水灌溉技术 water saving irrigation in field
行走式节水灌溉技术 Walking-type irrigation technique
节水灌溉新技术 Agricultural Technology & Equipment ; new irrigation technique ; new water-saving irrigation technique
试谈地面灌溉节水技术 Journal of Northwest Hydroelectric Power
Currently, it is the largest concentrated continuous base in the country that is equipped with the cutting-edge Israeli water-saving irrigation technologies.
Negatively pressurized irrigation (NPI) method, a newly irrigation technology, in which the elevation of the emitters is higher than that of the water source, runs under negative hydraulic head.