Covering arts and culture from a liberal viewpoint, the paper started the "alternative" genre that now includes such publications as Washington, DC's City paper and the Chicago Reader.
“他们讨厌这个词,但人们提到它的时候就是这么叫,他们想叫它‘技术与情感之烹饪’。” 芝加哥读者周刊的食品专栏作家迈克苏拉说。
"They hate the term, but that's how people refer to it, " says Mike Sula, a food columnist for the weekly Chicago Reader.
我一直在害怕我们在芝加哥没有足够多的写手,“ 27岁的Griffith先生说。”他在业余时间是周末出版的芝加哥读者报的戏剧评论员。
"My constant fear is that we're going to run out of writers in Chicago," said Mr. Griffith, 27, who in his spare time is a theater critic for the Chicago Reader, an alternative paper.