In 2006, Kullman was named EVP and manned the company's business platforms, as well as marketing and sales.
LG负责产品策略和市场营销的副总裁拉巴尼(Ehtisham Rabbani)说,现阶段我们的业务还没有受到此事影响。
'at this stage, it's not affecting our business,' said Ehtisham Rabbani, vice President of marketing a product strategy.
“最终的结果不是看社会媒体对损益平衡表的贡献,而是看它怎样为市场工作服务。” 该公司市场营销和商业战略的高级副总裁Marty St. George说。
“The utility is not what it does to the bottom line but how it works as a marketing tool, ” says Marty St. George, senior vice president of marketing and commercial strategy.