萨尔瓦多 El Salvador ; sv ; Salvatore ; San Salvador
萨尔贡 Sargon ; Sargon of Akkad
拉萨尔 Ferdinand Lassalle ; Lasalle ; Ken Salazar ; Lassalle
萨尔河 Saar ; River Saar ; Salzach
萨尔茨堡 Salzburg ; Salzburger Sportwelt ; SZG ; Singzburg
萨尔托 Salto ; Andrea del Sarto ; Axel Salto ; KasperSalto
萨尔瓦多·达利 Salvador Dal ; Salvador Dali ; Salvador Dali i Domenech ; Salvdor Dali
帕萨尔加德 Pasargadae ; Tomb of Cyrus the Great
萨尔普斯堡 Sarpsborg
He says in another moment, "I was Mexican." He's always trying to be more exotic than himself, than simple Sal Paradise.
There is no border in the West. So Sal has to reinvent one, and in some sense it's a border of time.
So, I'm moving from the question of "What does America look like; what's the mythic vocabulary that Sal is using?"