...的美誉,放在蛋糕中不但增加独特的枣香,更是女性补充维生素C、补气养血的最佳食物。用它做西点时,要用水先煮软才容易入味。 葡萄干(Raisins ):是最常用在西点中的果干。它除了可以增加风味,还有解腻的功效。
葡萄干蛋糕 Eccles cake ; Plum Pudding Model ; [食品] plum cake ; raisin cake
葡萄干面包 Raisin Bread ; currant bread ; sultana bread ; Five Currant Buns
葡萄干酿制酒 raisin wine
以无籽葡萄干酿制的酒 sultana wine
无核葡萄干 currant ; Seedless raisins ; currish ; currould like
葡萄干和杏仁 Raisins and Almonds ; Raisins & Almonds
制作葡萄干 Making Raisins
葡萄干松糕 Raisin muffin
燕麦葡萄干饼干 Oat Meal Raisin ; Oat Meal Raisin Cookies
The raisin has different size and complicated surface, so it couldn’t be graded well only by color and naked eyes.
参考来源 - 基于图像分析的葡萄干分级技术研究Grape(Vitis vinifera),a fruit crop with great economic value and the largest cultivation area in the world,could be used as raw materials to produce grape wine,grape juice and raisin etc.
葡萄(Vitis vinifera)是世界上栽培面积最广的果树作物。 葡萄果实可制成葡萄酒、葡萄汁和葡萄干等多种大众商品,是一种经济价值极高的作物。
参考来源 - 葡萄及葡萄属植物中的天然活性物质研究与利用现状·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
vine fruit是有核和无核葡萄干的通称。
You will learn how to cook a pea soup and a curd biscuit with raisins.
It's that the pounds of gold plus the pounds 8 of silver plus the pounds of raisins is no greater than eight.
And he wants to emphasize Hanson himself has a farm that specializes in grapes for the purpose of producing raisins.
And then I take as many raisins as will fit in and I leave. Right? I hope almost every one of you could figure out that was the right strategy.