虚拟桌面工具(NTWind WindowSpace),桌面工具中文,WinXP, WinAll,相当优秀的虚拟桌面工具,来自开发WinSnap,TaskSwitchXP等工具的Ntwind Software。
和企业桌面虚拟化工具 MicrosoftEnterpriseDesktopVirtualization ; MED-V
过去只有功能强大的服务器才能实现虚拟化,现在,只要拥有一台标准版本的桌面 PC,您就可以使用这个工具。
Once the province of powerful servers, this tool is now well within the reach of anyone with a standard-issue desktop PC.
注册并登录到企业现代沙箱上,一个远程虚拟的桌面,在它上面安装有所有的IBM Enterprise Modernization工具。
Register for and login to the enterprise modernization sandbox, a remote, virtual desktop, with all of the IBM enterprise modernization tools installed.
Microsoft is now attempting to change the way we interact with desktop devices and providing the tools for us to become more involved with the virtual world.