本部分介绍案例研究,基于了解TWS Operational Interface(今后称为TWS Web UI)如何能够被再设计以更好地满足市场的工作。
This section introduces the case study, based on an effort to understand how the TWS Operational Interface (hereafter referred to as the TWS Web UI) could be redesigned to better fit the market.
如果 ZIP 代码正确,那么它将与用户对摄氏或华氏温度单位的选择一起被传递给 fetchWeatherHtml() 方法,这个方法稍后再介绍。
If the ZIP code is valid, then both it and the user's choice of Celsius or Fahrenheit units are passed to the fetchWeatherHtml() method, which I'll get to a little later.