近日,来自西奈山医疗中心(Mount Sinai Medical Center)的研究人员通过研究开发了一种新型血液检测手段,其或许可以准确鉴别出帕金森疾病发病的血液标记或生物标志物。
The reason it doesn't work has to do with our psychological wiring, says Harris Stratyner, Ph.D, a psychologist and the director of addiction recovery services at the Mount Sinai Medical Center.
“我们这一种族的问题在于,我们不能像其他动物那样减少LDL含量。”纽约西奈山医疗中心心脏病专家Virgil Brown如是说。
"One of our problems as a species," says Virgil Brown, a cardiologist at New York City's Mount Sinai Medical Center, "is that we don't remove LDL as fast as other animals."