西欧农奴制 (serfdom in West Europe) 西欧封建社会中一种依附农民的经济地位、法律身份等的综合制度。农奴(serf)一词源自罗马人对奴隶的称呼——servus,是人身属于主人的农业劳动者,社会地位极为低下,受到封建主多方面的剥削和奴役。农奴世代耕种庄园的份地,但对土地没有所有权,为了使用土地还必须为封建主服沉重的劳役,一般每周3天耕作领主的自营地。农奴可以结婚,有自己的家庭,经济独立,可以维持本身的再生产。
The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society, and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy.
But this is also true of all of Western Europe, which has to do pretty much with the abolition of farmers and I just don't think it's right for me to pass without mentioning the significance.