...师 关键词】 计算机专业人员;个性特征;心理健康;加利福尼亚心理调查表;症状自评量表 [gap=921]keywords】 Computer professionals; personality characteristics; mental health; CPIRC; SCL90 ; ...
计算机专业人员专长于 SIEBEL ; PeopleSoft ; CISSP ; Oracle
计算机专业人员- SIEBEL Computing Professional - specialising in SIEBEL ; SAP Computing Professional - specialising in SAP
计算机专业人员– CISSP
系统计算机专业人员 Systeminformatiker
计算机其他专业人员 Computing Professionals ; Computing Professionings ; Computing Professionwoulss
Computer professionals design computer hard ware and related equipment.
Computer professionals design computer hard ware and related equipment.
Computer professionals design, create, and develop computer software.
One is called the twenty-four hour recall and that's either done by a computer, or done by a trained interviewer who would sit down with you and say, 'Let's reconstruct everything you've eaten in the last twenty-four hours.' And so then you have to recollect everything you ate in the last twenty-four hours.