1905 年,罗素在他的《论指称》(OnDenoting)一文中提出了著名的摹状词理论:当摹 状词没有所指时,包含摹状词的句子仍然有真假值,即句子非真即假。
...国国王”没有对象满足,也就没有意义,以无意义语词做主 语的命题也没有意义;若该语句表达 ①斯特劳森在《论指称》(OnReferring)中把罗素的”当今法国国王是 秃头’’改成r’’当今法国国王是聪明人”.
意义的指称论 referential theory of meaning
历史因果指称理论 The Historical-Casual Theory of Reference (developed by American philosopher Saul Aaron Kripke)
指称论 referential theory ; Theory of Reference ; Reference Theory ; referential theory of meaning
指称理论 theory of reference ; Referential Theory ; theory of referring
论涵义和指称 eber Sinn und Bedeutung
西方指称理论 Western reference theory
意义指称论 the referential theory
论语句的指称 On the Reference of a Sentence
因果指称理论 causal theory of reference
"The description theory" argues that linguistic expression's reference is fixed by the description, which describe or reflect its meaning.
Frege's theory of meaning and their thoughts on the philosophy of language, embodied in his "meaning and Reference".
And intrinsic value category also has double connotations: the establishment of the value status of nature and a matter of objective facts.