论文:论民事诉讼中的证据排除规则-中大网校论文网 关键词: 证据规则 证据能力 证据排除规则 [gap=1328]Key words: Evidence's Rule ; Evidence Capability; Evidence's Exclusive Rule .
浅议民事诉讼证据规则特殊适用 - 范文中国网 关键词:民事诉讼;证据规则;特殊适用 [gap=942]key word: Civil action; Evidentiary rules; Is suitable specially
...教育论文发表 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词: 证据规则;证据能力;证明力;自由心证 [gap=15991]Key words:the evidence rules; the qualification of evidence; the force of evidence; discretional evaluation ..
数字证据规则 rules of evidence
口头证据规则 parol evidence rule
传闻证据规则 hearsay rule ; Hearsay Evidence Rule ; rule against hearsay ; The Hearsay Rules
最佳证据规则 Best Evidence Rule
联邦证据规则 Federal Rules of Evidence ; Federal Evidence Rule
补强证据规则 rule of corroborative
意见证据规则 opinion evidence rule
美国联邦证据规则 Federal Rules of Evidence
统一证据规则 Uniform rules of evidence
The evidence rule becomes a hot topic in the national academic circles in recent years.
参考来源 - 证据规则研究(研究生论文)Exclusionary Rule of illegal Evidence is a rule of evidence that standardizes the qualification of evidence, whose central question is to define its effect.
参考来源 - 论非法证据排除规则(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress