在数学中,误差函数(也称之为高斯误差函数,error function or Gauss error function)是一个非基本函数(即不是初等函数),其在概率论、统计学以及偏微分方程和半导体物理中都有广泛的应用。
abbr. ERF
misc. error function
有些则是已被光学设计软体纳入的如波长、误差函数(error function);有些则是新的,例如: l 元件草样数据(element drawing data): 可以更完整描述整个设计。
... ERDET ERror DETection 错误检测 ERF ERror Function 误差函数 ERI Electronic Retailing Interface 电子零售接口 ...
余误差函数 Complementary error function ; Error function complement ; erfc
逆误差函数 erfinv ; Inverse Error function
误差函数扩散 error function diffusion
误差函数分布 error function distribution
高斯误差函数 Gauss error function ; gaussian amplifier error function
互补误差函数 complementary error function ; erfc
误差函数积分 [数] error function integral
高频误差函数 high-frequency error function
补余误差函数 error function complement ; [数] complementary error function
Using an alternative error function, we give the closed form of the Hausdorff distance between the circular arc and the quartic Bézier curve.
参考来源 - CAGD中基于Bézier方法的曲线曲面表示与逼近When selecting the calculated point, first remove the pixels that have no contribution or less contribution to GME according to error function, and then choose the feature set for GME.
参考来源 - MPEG·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Single parameter dynamic search is the characteristic of this algorithm and therefore the calculation quantum of the objective function is reduced greatly.
So adding a penalty term to the error function of BP network is an important approach to gain better generalization.
Also obtained are the error functions of the bar diameter when measurement is taken in different directions.