second time around 又一次旋转 say that they're just friends 说他们只是朋友 but the feelings still strong 但感情依然很强烈 ..
Most normally functioning people understand the death of Janet's friend was accidental, because Janet didn't realize the jellyfish were poisonous, they said.
When my friends would snap at me, I'd tell myself they didn't mean it, that they were simply unhappy.
斯泰普说,“看到朋友或是我崇拜的人在台上演出,想到‘哇,我对他们现在的了解的只是从现在,从站在听众里的这一刻开始。’ 这是自己很难接受的。”
It was hard to watch friends, or to watch people who I admired, up there performing and think to myself, 'Wow, I only know that now from here — from standing in the audience.'
He even said, "I believe I have had friends and family but maybe I am being tricked.