... 心理医学文凭 diploma in psychological medicine 诺贝尔生理医学奖 nobel prize in physiology or medicine 物理医学,物理疗法 iatrophysics ...
诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine ; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ; Nobel Prize in Medicine
诺贝尔生理与医学奖 nobel prize in physiology or medicine
For her development of the radioimmunoassay, Yalow shared the 1977 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.
ONE of the fixed points in the scientific calendar is the announcement, in early October, of the Nobel prizes for chemistry, physics and physiology or medicine.
Jack Szostak是哈佛医学院的遗传学教授,他是2009年诺贝尔生理或医学奖的获得者之一。
Jack Szostak is professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and a co-recipient of the 2009 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine.