谷歌卫星地图下载工具 Allallsoft Google Satellite Maps Downloader ; Allallsoft Google Maps Terrain Downloader ; Google Satellite Maps Downloader
谷歌高清晰卫星地图 Google Earth
谷歌地图高清卫星地图 Google Earth Pro ; Google Ear
Here's another weird satellite picture from Google Maps of some downtown Houston skyscrapers.
The US government's 3 reserve ship sites can be seen via satellite photos taken by Google Maps, The Telegraph reported.
奥迪导航系统的标准地图格式已经被替换成了谷歌地球(Google Earth)的卫星影像,而且每台轿车自带一个WiFi热点(服务由T-Mobile公司提供,每月收费30美元)。
The standard map format on Audi's navigation has been replaced by Google Earth's satellite-photo images.