财政赤字是指财政支出超过财政收入的部分。理论上说,财政收支平衡是财政的最佳情况,在现实中就是财政收支相抵或略有节余。在国家实际执行财政过程中,经常需要大量的财富解决大批的问题,会出现入不敷出的局面。这是财政赤字不可避免的一个原因。赤字的出现有两种情况,一是有意安排,被称为“赤字财政”或“赤字预算”,它属于财政政策的一种;另一种情况,即预算并没有设计赤字,但执行到最后却出现了赤字,也就是“财政赤字”或“预算赤字”。 2017年一季度,中国罕见地出现了1551亿元财政赤字。这是近一二十年所没有的。
...腊、西班牙、葡萄牙、爱尔兰和冰岛等国度敲响,不久将会侵扰日本和英国,如果美国仍然维系如此庞大的财政赤字(Financial deficit),也将无法独善其身。卢比(Rupee)尼同样(Same)指出,希腊的债务危机始终都是欧元能否持续存在下去的威胁。
财政赤字率 fiscal deficit ratio ; deficit-to-GDP ratio
地方财政赤字 the central government deficit
中央财政赤字 the central government deficit
保持适当的财政赤字和国债规模 to keep the deficit and government bonds/debt at appropriate levels
消灭财政赤字 to balance the budget ; to eliminate fiscal deficit ; tobalancethebudget toeliminatefiscaldeficit ; west bank balance the budget
财政赤字和债务 deficitsthe national debt
准财政赤字 quasi-fiscal deficit ; west bank quasi-fiscal deficit
赤字财政 deficit financing ; [财政] Deficit Financing ; deficit finance ; deficit-covering finance
因为实际的财政赤字 RDEF
We concluded that the quantitative easing policy and large fiscal deficits would push up inflation.
参考来源 - 黄金和通胀走势关系的实证分析In terms of“Double Gaps Model”which is founded by famous American economists Chenery and Strout, when there weren’t financial deficits or dividends, a country might have foreign exchange gap and savings gap.
参考来源 - 印度税收政策对FDI的效应研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Thereupon the fiscal deficits would surely worsen, once again.
The dollar is plunging, -and the dollar is plunging perhaps maybe just around a little bit -- That's been sinking for some months now-- -because America has been living beyond her means borrowing 2 billion a day from foreign nations.
Now, that seem to me to fit what I saw of experience in the 1980's when Reagan cut taxes and then there was this... they were worried about the climbing deficits So he clawed back some of the tax cuts in TEFRA, that huge tax.