资产证券化是以特定资产组合或特定现金流为支持,发行可交易证券的一种融资形式。 资产证券化仅指狭义的资产证券化。自1970年美国的政府国民抵押协会,首次发行以抵押贷款组合为基础资产的抵押支持证券-房贷转付证券,完成首笔资产证券化交易以来,资产证券化逐渐成为一种被广泛采用的金融创新工具而得到了迅猛发展,在此基础上,现在又衍生出如风险证券化产品。
资产证券化(securitization of assets; securitization of credit assets)
资产证券化(Securitization)就是有深厚潜力的金融工具。 它会深入到我们生活的每一个层面,对企业而言,所有资产从应收帐 款、存货到固定资产,无形资产,都...
资产证券化(Asset Securitization)是指将缺乏流动性但具有可预测现金流的资产或资产组合,通过一定的结构安排,分离与重组其中的风险与收益要素,再将其转换为金融...
信贷资产证券化 the securitization of credit assets ; CLO ; Credit Assets Securitization ; securitization of credit assets
金融资产证券化 financial asset securitization ; securitization of financial assets ; FASITS ; financial securitization
不良资产证券化 NPAS ; non-performing asset securitization
中国资产证券化分析网 CNABS
传统型资产证券化 Traditional Securitisation
租赁资产证券化 Lease Securitization
美国资产证券化论坛 American Securitization Forum
其他资产证券化 asset-backed securities
Asset Securitization in china has breaking the ice just now.
参考来源 - 信贷资产证券化风险管理的相关研究(研究生论文)It has been prepared in interior terms for publishing asset-backed securities concerning to parts of non-performing assets of banks that are up to standards, but it has not been prepared in some of exterior terms.
对一部分符合要求的银行不良资产实施资产证券化的内部条件已经具备 ,但一些外部条件还没有成熟。
参考来源 - 论我国银行不良资产证券化的实施条件Transforming assets into securities is a novel method of financing and assets disposal, which is also popular in the world and will be a strong prompt for the development of athletic industry.
参考来源 - 我国职业体育俱乐部的融资困境与资产证券化(ABS)求解·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
So far most of the credit collapse in America has come from the demise of securitisation.
Securitization of credit assets is not only an economical phenomenon, but a legal process.
Like other Wall Street Banks, Lehman focused its initial job cuts on its mortgage origination and securitization businesses.
The collateral could be a number of things including mortgages--securitized mortgages that are risky and dangerous assets.