赤字财政(deficit financing),赤字是财政年度内财政支出超过财政收入的差额,赤字财政指国家制定赤字财政政策,实行赤字财政计划。在制定国家预算时,国家有意将当年预算支出安排得大于当年预算收入,不足的预算资金,依靠发行国债、向银行透支、发行财政性货币的办法来应付。资本主义国家经常使用的一种财政政策。
赤字财政 (deficit financing), 赤字 是 财政 年度内 财政 支出超过 财政 收入的差额, 赤字财政 指国家制定 赤字财政 政策,实行 赤字财政 计划。
... open market policy公开市场政策 deficit-covering finance赤字财政 fiscal and monetary policy财政金融政策 ...
财政赤字 government deficit ; government deficit; financial deficit ; [财政] financial deficit ; fiscal deficit
财政赤字率 fiscal deficit ratio ; deficit-to-GDP ratio
地方财政赤字 the central government deficit
中央财政赤字 the central government deficit
保持适当的财政赤字和国债规模 to keep the deficit and government bonds/debt at appropriate levels
消灭财政赤字 to balance the budget ; to eliminate fiscal deficit ; tobalancethebudget toeliminatefiscaldeficit ; west bank balance the budget
财政赤字和债务 deficitsthe national debt
准财政赤字 quasi-fiscal deficit ; west bank quasi-fiscal deficit
覆灭财政赤字 to balance the budget
The overriding problem is the continuing deficit financing of the federal government.
Politicians hope that deficit financing will be the way to stimulate the economy.
Without a genuine program to raise the efficiency of the private sector and deal with chronic shortfalls in domestic private demand, Japan will remain addicted to deficit.
The dollar is plunging, -and the dollar is plunging perhaps maybe just around a little bit -- That's been sinking for some months now-- -because America has been living beyond her means borrowing 2 billion a day from foreign nations.
Now, that seem to me to fit what I saw of experience in the 1980's when Reagan cut taxes and then there was this... they were worried about the climbing deficits So he clawed back some of the tax cuts in TEFRA, that huge tax.