论身份权请求权 关键词] 身份权;身份权请求权;绝对权请求权;给付之诉 [gap=643]Key Words: paternity right; claim of paternity right; claim of absolute right; action of performance
The author attempts to construct two individual departments, which are claim of status right and claim of infringing on status right. They compose the integrity relief system.
参考来源 - 论身份权的民法保护·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The claim of paternity right is in the system of claims to protect civil rights.
Spouses right to the person is the main content of the right to spouse, which consists of the right to personality and the right to spouses status.
Safeguard in civil law concerning right of status, includes three ways that are right to petition endowing to the obligee of status, litigant right of confirmation and right of action of formation.