...的软件生命周期 software life cycle 软件生命周期管理 software life cycle management SLIM ; Software Development Life Cycle 软件生命周期质量管理 Software Lifecycle Quality Management ..
...软件生命周期 software life cycle 软件生命周期管理 software life cycle management SLIM ; Software Development Life Cycle 软件生命周期质量管理 Software Lifecycle Quality Management ..
软件生命周期质量管理 Software Lifecycle Quality Management
IBM DB 2 Records Manager (IRM)是一个为商业应用软件提供生命周期管理的电子记录(e - Record)工具。
IBM DB2 records Manager (IRM) is an e-records tool that provides life cycle management for your business application software.
Ge of frey Bessin是IBM Rational市场部经理,负责IBM软件组相互之间推动IT生命周期管理最佳实践。
Geoffrey Bessin is an IBM Rational market manager responsible for a cross-IBM Software Group initiative dedicated to promoting it lifecycle management best practices.