边际生产率(marginal productivity)是对生产函数的一阶导数,是指在各种产业中每多增加一单位的生产要素(如劳工、资本等)所能增加的生产量。当边际生产率过低或接近零时,表示该产业的发展规模已经接近饱和,人力物力应转投向其他的产业。当生产要素中只有一个是可变的(如:资本)则边际生产率就是边际产量。
(4)边际生产率工资理论 边际生产率(marginal productivity)是美国经济学家约翰。克拉克于十九世纪末提出的。
边际生产率分配论 distribution theory of marginal productivity
边际生产率说 marginal productivity theory
资本的边际生产率 [经] marginal productivity of capital
资本边际生产率 marginal productivity of capital
劳动边际生产率 labor marginal productivity ; marginal productivity of labor
边际生产率工资理论 marginal-productivity theory of wages
边际资本生产率 produttivita' marginale del
Finally, this paper raises some brief countermeasures to how to achieve economic convergence from marginal product.
Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.
In the optimal supervision level, when contractor's marginal productivity is high and marginal cost is low, it is easier to supervise and the marginal revenue of supervision is high.