如果某一类群的趋异不是两个方向,而是向着各种不同的方向发展,适应各种不同的生活条件,这种多方向的趋异称为适应辐射 适应辐射进化可有两种模式,也被认为是大进化的两种模式,即渐变模式和断续模式。这是对一共同祖先所形成的多种多样后裔的不同解释。
As a result of its dual role in mimicry and mate selection, divergence in wing pattern is also associated with speciation and adaptive radiation3,5.
The fossils show what is known as an adaptive radiation. This is biology-speak for a period of diversification so fast that the individual splits cannot be distinguished.
Emphasis is given to the characteristics of the dose response and time response relationships of adaptive response induced by extremely low dose rate ionizing radiation.