adj. deflationary
减缓通货紧缩的压力 ease the seriousness of deflation ; eottom the seriousness of defl
通货紧缩的趋势 deflationary bias
紧缩通货的 deflationary
通货紧缩威胁下的美国 The Threat of Deflation
谈通货紧缩形成的原因 Japan Problem Studies
That only increased the deflationary pressures at home and abroad.
Keeping rates low would help prevent deflationary forces from taking hold.
It wasn't caused by the Fed's sudden tightening against inflation. It was different it was this recession was not understood not anticipated; the Fed came in late to cut interest rates to try to prevent it from being worse because it just didn't seem to have any reason for happening.
Now there was inflation with regard to a basket of the Consumer Price Index is not just the price of gold; it's the price of many things but the there would be inflation or deflation as the relative price of gold changed.