...机;速度传感器;液压泵站 [gap=1869]Keywords: The belt conveyor;Eccentric cam;Computer on-slice;Velocity transducer;Hydraulic power unit ...
... velocity parallelogram 速度平行四边形 velocity pick up 速度传感器 velocity pickup 速度传感器 ...
加速度传感器 [自] acceleration transducer ; acceleration pick up ; accelerometer ; [自] Acceleration sensor
角加速度传感器 [自] angular acceleration transducer ; angular displacement ; [自] angular acceleration sensor
角速度传感器 [自] angular velocity transducer ; angular rate sensor ; [自] angular velocity sensor ; rate sensor
压电式加速度传感器 piezoelectric acceleration transducer ; piezoelectric acceleration sensor ; IEPE
磁电式速度传感器 magnetoelectric velocity transducer ; Electromagnetic velocity transducer ; magneto electrical speed sensor
线速度传感器 [自] linear velocity sensor
标准加速度传感器 standard acceleration transducer
线加速度传感器 [自] linear acceleration transducer ; [自] linear acceleration sensor
压阻式加速度传感器 piezoresistive acceleration transducer
However, Airbus says it's not clear the sensors played any part in the crash.
某些 MacBook 配有加速度传感器及同样的通过内核访问这些传感器的通用方法。
Some MacBooks have the accelerometers and the same general methods available to access them through the kernel.
A central allegation is that the company knew there were flaws in its airspeed sensors but didn't act on that information.