重新获得 » To regain 如果公司实施股票期权激励,管理层通常会在期权授 予前以及期权行权前进行盈余管理活动; » Implementation of incentive stock ...
重新获得利润 regain ground ; regain lost ground
重新获得勇气 reman
英文意思是重新获得 RECOVERY
能重新获得的 recoverable
让你重新获得新生 Giving you a new start
重新获得失去的东西 Recover what was lost
我们需要重新获得边尼 Thomas Binney
重新获得首发的时钟包 re get starter clock pack
Theoretically, such equipment could help paraplegics regain movement.
贫困迫使她把他交给了寄养家庭, 但她是在明确她最终一定能重新获得抚养权的条件下才这样做的。
Poverty forced her to surrender him to foster families, but only on the understanding that she could eventually regain custody.
One is that he's just re-arranged an equation here and gotten both his PhD thesis and a Nobel Prize, but I think the more representative way to think about this is the real revolutionary idea that he put forth, which is that matter can actually behave as a wave.
How we could take cells that are differentiated to some extent and make them de-differentiate, to go back in the process of differentiation so that they gain more potential.