0引言量子通信(Quantum Communication)是指利用量子纠缠态进行信息传递的一种新型的通讯方式.量子纠缠是量子信息领域中一个重要的问题[1],特别在量子通信中的应用.1935...
量子通信机 Quantum Transceiver
国际量子通信奖 International Quantum Communication Award
量子通信系统 Quantum Teleportation System
量子通信网络 Quantum Communication Network
而在量子通信网络 Quantum Communication Network ; QCN
安全量子通信 Deterministic secure quantum communication
量子安全直接通信 quantum secure direct communication ; QSDC
量子密码通信 Quantum Cryptography Communication ; QKD
量子直接安全通信 QSDC
In order to provide control function for quantum communication, some electrical solution has already been proposed and many of them have been experimentally realized.
参考来源 - 基于FPGA的连续变量量子密钥协商技术研究Currently, quantum communication network is one of hot research topics in the international community.
参考来源 - 网络编码算法与协议设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In contrast to quantum communication, quantum computing is also the focus of quantum information science.
This novel device is capable of considerably boosting the rate of quantum communications and constitutes a key component in future quantum logic processes.
"[Being able to transfer data packets like this] is a necessary thing to do in order to build a proper quantum computer or a quantum communications device," she said.