Calendula L. 金盏花属,一年生或多年生草本。被腺状柔毛。叶互生,全缘或具波状齿。头状花序顶生,总苞钟状或半球形;总苞片1-2层,披针形至线状披针形。约20余种,主要产于地中海、西欧和西亚。我国常见栽培1种。瘦果2-3层。
n. calendulin ; calendula
misc. calendula L.
One species and one variety of aconitum and delphinium each one species of thalictrum one subspecies of adonis and five species of ranunculus are described as new.
There are 13genera, 53 species, 4 subspecies and 5 varieties of compositae (Senecioeeae and Calenduleae)in western Hubei, of which 2 species are reported the new distriburion in Shennongjia.