针织毛衣 Sweater ; lina mina ; KNIT ; KNITTED SWEATER ; knitted sweater
针织/毛衣 Sweater ; Knitwear ; KNIT ; Knits/Sweater
套头针织毛衣 topshop ; pullover knitted sweater
绞花针织毛衣 Cable-Knit Sweater
黑色粗线针织毛衣 Louis Vuitton
针织&毛衣 Knit ; Knit&Cardigan ; Knitting
麻花针织毛衣 Cable- Knit Sweater
针织、毛衣 Knits Wool ; Sweaters
而当某位女士针织围巾或是毛衣的时候,她所用的口诀“正一针,倒两针(knit one, purl two)”也许挺符合本文的语境。 不过,这个例子里的单词purl拼写却完全不同——P U R L ——它的来源有着“旋转(twist)”的意思。
When someone is knitting a scarf or a sweater the phrase knit one purl two mightfit the context, but in this case the purl is a different word spelled P U R Land comes from a source meaning “twist.”
It was an aristocratic face, with a shock of white hair, and it surmounted-according to the season-a chunky-knit sweater or a white Byronic shirt.
Sweater, knitted material of this kind of clothes, if the direct use of iron to burn tissue destroying elasticity, the steam electric iron spray in folds.