这还不囊括球场上的状况恒量,如,国际长途电话(Long-distance call),人生最大的乐趣,是自己的劳动得了成果。永远的伤病,金融的浸染,让与,司法和顺序圭臬等0.
Local Telephone:市内电话 Long Distance Telephone:长途电话 Microcell:微细胞基地台。一般的移动电话基地台都是架设在约10层楼高度的大厦楼顶,称为大细胞基地台(Macrocell)。
...的字头(prefix)来判断话务类型,对于国内来说,就是00开头的是国际长途(IDD),以0开 头,第二个号码不为0的是长途电话(Long Distance),不是0开头的号码视为市话(市话又分为公益电话---114.119..
国内长途电话 National calls ; domestic long-distance call ; Domestic long-distance telephone ; home-area toll
菲律宾长途电话公司 PLDT ; Philippine Long Distance Telephone ; Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
国际长途电话 IDD ; International Call ; Callback Service ; international long-distance call
国际直拨长途电话 IDD ; International Direct Dialing ; international call
打长途电话 make a long distance call ; Makingalongdistance call ; make a long-distance call ; Calling Long Distance
长途电话局 [通信] trunk exchange ; long distance ; [通信] toll office ; LD
接听人付费长途电话 collect call
本地区长途电话 Long Distance Calls
It is cheaper than calling long distance, and a lot more convenient than waiting until Sunday for the telephone rates to drop.
He received a long-distance phone call from his girlfriend in Colorado.
And the telephone companies in the United State, generally about 200 billion dollars a year carrying long distance telephone conversations and they thought this conversations might be carried for free over the internet was quite shocking to them. Of course free is very low price, and they are not like it to be free.