随机样本(random sample)是指每一个成员都是用毫无偏颇、完全随机的方式选取出来的样本。此外,样本还应该是代表性样本。
... channery 碎石 chance sample 随机样本 chamber blasting (coyotehole blasting) 抗室爆破 ...
为避免抽样_产生偏误的现象,最好是选择_随机样本(simple random sample),即母体中每个_均有_被抽中之机会。 .
在《科学》杂志“Randomsamples”(随机样本)栏目中,一篇题为“Rare-tiger photo flap makes fur fly in china”(珍惜老虎照在中国闹得沸沸扬扬)的新闻稿报道了中国华南虎照...
简单随机样本 simple random sampling ; Independence identical distribution
数学随机样本 mathematical random sample
分层随机样本 stratified random sample
系统随机样本 systematic random sample
非随机样本 non-random sample
非约束随机样本 unrestricted random sample
无约束随机样本 unrestricted random sample
无限制的随机样本 Unrestricted random sample
随机样本假说 Random sampling hypothesis
有许多方法可以生成K 个系统的一个随机样本。
There are many ways to generate a random sample of K systems.
母体, 随机样本。 样本统计, 样本平均数和变异数的动差。
Populations, random samples. Sample statistics, moments of the sample mean and variance.
They are not a random sample, so those numbers do not represent reality whether or not those numbers serve our interests.
And the other thing you can do is take self reports like the ones you're doing, hopefully do enough of them, and a random enough sample of the population, that you can extrapolate from that sample to the whole population, and try to estimate what people are eating in that way.
Covariance is--we'll call it--now we have two random variables, so cov... I'll just talk about it in a sample term.