雄激素性脱发 AGA ; ANDROGENICALOPEClA ; androgenetic alopecia ; Androgenic alopecia
雄激素源性脱发 androgenetic alopecia ; AGA ; A
女性雄激素性脱发 FAGA
又称雄激素性脱发 androgenetie alopecia ; AGA
女性型雄激素性脱发 Female Pattern Androgenetic Alopecia
男性型雄激素性脱发 Male Pattern Androgenetic Alopecia
对雄激素源性脱发 androgenetic alopecia ; AGA
药物性雄激素性脱发 Drug-induced androgenic alopecia
其他的雄激素性脱发 Other androgenic alopecia
What started as a search to explore my possibilities of battling androgenetic alopecia it also became an interest for me.
I'm 34 years old, I noticed I was starting to loose my hair since 18 yo, I was diagnosed by my doctor MPB.