非洲是非洲人的非洲 Africa belongs to the African people. ; africa belongs to the African people.
非洲人的生活 Life in Africa
非洲人的发型 Good Hair
津巴布韦非洲人的联合 ZAPU
非洲的小人猿 chimpanzee
穆加贝和非洲的白人 Mugabe and the White African
非洲裔美国人的名称 African-American Names
非洲黑人间奉行的巫术 obeah
迷人的非洲 Faszination Afrika
Then, there came along the AIDS crisis in South Africa, and the American AIDS drugs were hugely expensive, far more than could be afforded by most Africans.
And I'm not only talking about African-American.
And I have a friend who's a Parisian lawyer who works in Africa a lot, and when he was a little boy the Germans came to get his father who was a Greek Jew, and he was taken away and killed, of course.