...驱动设计是Eric Evans于2004年在《领域驱动设计:软件核心复杂性应对之道》 首先提出的,简称DDD.其实际为面向对象分析设计(OOAD)的延伸,利用面向对象思想进行分析设计,对系统逻辑严格 分层,对领域对象的的职责划分。
面向对象分析与设计 OOAD ; UML ; Object-oriented Analysis and Design
面向对象分析和设计 OOAD
面向对象的分析和设计 OOAD
面向对象的分析与设计 OOAD ; object oriented analysis and design
In the object Oriented analysis and design, the action of object is relative to its state.
How to implementing persistence of all kinds of object using relationship database is necessarily must be solved in Orient object programming.
正如James Martin和James Odell很久以前在《面向对象分析设计》中所写的,分析师、设计师和实现者都应该使用同一系统模型。
As James Martin and James Odell wrote long time ago in their book "Object-Oriented Analysis and design," analysts, designers, and implementers should all use the same system model.