n. flagellate
misc. mastigot
活性污泥中的原生动物包括鞭毛虫 (Mastigophora)、肉足虫 (Sarcodina)和纤毛虫 (Ciliatedprotozoa)。鞭毛虫有三角袋鞭虫 (Peranemadeflexum )和葡萄异鞭虫 (Anisonema.
领鞭毛虫 Choanoflagellate ; Monosiga brevicollis ; Choanoflagellida
领鞭毛虫门 Choanozoa ; Choanoflagellata
蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 Giardia lamblia ; Giardia lamblia Stiles
鞭毛虫纲 Mastigophora ; Flagellata ; Class Zoomastigophorea ; Class Mastigophora
鞭毛虫类 flagellates ; mastigophores ; Flagellata ; Mastigophora
贾第鞭毛虫病 [内科] giardiasis ; lambliasis
贾第鞭毛虫 Giardia ; Giardia lamblia ; Cryptosporidium parvum
梨形鞭毛虫 Giardia lamblia ; Giardia ; Giadiasis ; Giardia lmorningblia
血鞭毛虫 [无脊椎] hemoflagellate
Trypanosoma brucei is the hemoflagellate that causes sleeping sickness.
在体外诱导蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 C2 株完成其生活周期。
Induce Giardia lamblia C2 strain to complete its life cycle in vitro.
The team found communities of amoebae, ciliates, and flagellates to be present in all the plants.