额定电流、电压 Rating ; Ratingprefix o ns "urnschemas-microsoft-comofficeoffice
额定直流电压 Rated DC voltage ; [电] rated direct voltage
直流额定电压 direct rated voltage ; DC rated voltage
额定工作电压、电流 Krating
额定电压、电流 Krating
额定电流.电压 Rating
次级额定电压及电流 Secondary rated voltage and current
额定交流电源电压 Nominal AC Mains Supply Voltage
额定交流电压 VRAC
额定电压/电流 Rated Voltage/rated Current ; Rated Voltage and Current
The upper and lower limits of the rated power input or rated current shall be marked on the appliance so that the relation between input and voltage is clear.
The LED fixture shall be operated at constant and carefully regulated current levels. LEDS shall not be overdriven beyond their specified nominal voltage and current.
Selection of fuses must be carried out according to their use conditions, mainly they are system voltage, rated current, short circuit capacity, protection suitability etc.