青饲料作物 [作物] green crop ; green corp ; ensilagecrop
饲料作物收获机具 forage harvesting equipment
饲料作物轮作 fodder crop rotation
动物饲料作物 animal feed crops
饲料作物收割机 Forage harvesters
饲料作物收获机 Forage harvesters
节水型饲料作物基地 feed-crop-ground of water-saving type
种植牧草和饲料作物 Forage and crops
饲料及绿肥作物 forage and green manure crops
Atmosphere and climate - increasing the efficiency of livestock production and feed crop agriculture.
The pea is an important rotation food and a forage crop in the central arid region of Gansu.
Higher energy prices, which makes biofuels profitable and crops that feed them more sought after. Higher oil prices also boosts farm production costs, such as diesel.