“希腊的流感已经感染了意大利。” James McDonald,芝加哥的北方信托投资公司的首席策略分析师,管理者6430亿美元的资产,在通过电话采访时发表这番话语。
“The Greek flu is hitting Italy, ” James McDonald, chief investment strategist at Northern Trust Corp. in Chicago, which manages $643 billion, said in a telephone interview.
Vikram Pandit, the CEO of Citicorp (C), offered in a Fortune interview to meet with the protesters, acknowledging a lack of trust in Wall Street.
“我们运营着一个更好的商业,因为我们的竞争者让我们提高自己的能力,”沃尔玛首席执行官Mike Duke对联合报社的采访说。
"We are running a better business because our competitors cause us to raise our own game," Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke told The Associated Press in an interview.