马丁·布伯(德语/英语:Martin Buber,1878—1965)是一位奥地利-以色列-犹太人哲学家、翻译家、教育家,他的研究工作集中于宗教有神论、人际关系和团体。
马丁布伯的相遇哲学 meeting philosophy of martin buber
In philosophy field, there are Edmund Husserl’s intersubjectivey theory, Karl Jaspers’s theory of existence and communication, Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue, Harbermas’s theory of communicative action and Marxism’s theory of communication and practice.
参考来源 - 课堂有效互动研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
马丁·布伯是2 0世纪声名斐然的犹太教哲学家。
Martin Buber was a well-renowned Jewish philosopher in the 20th century.
Martin Boob's relationship ontology has been in line with the anti-metaphysical trend of the contemporary Western philosophy.
Martin Buber claims three ways of discourses, namely, discourse proper, technical discourse, and monologue in disguise of discourse.