马耳他大学(Universita ta Malta)是马耳他唯一的的国立大学,它的悠久历史可追溯到1592年。大学本部坐落在Msida,校园宽敞,设施先进,在校生8000多人,其中包括78个国家的800多名外国留学生(有30%的学生在读硕士和博士课程)。
As one of the oldest prestigious universities in Europe, UOM , I would say, is a research-based institution.
These scientists are researchers at the University of Malta and the National Center of Scientific research at the University of Bordeaux.
“该项研究格外重要。”马耳他大学(University of Malta)及马特·德伊医院(Mater Dei Hospital)的血液学家阿里斯·菲利斯说,他曾攻读血液疾病基因学。
"This [study] is extremely important," says hematologist Alex Felice of the University of Malta and Mater Dei Hospital, who has studied the genetics of a related blood disorder.