...高起动转矩 ; 晶闸管 ; 分级变频 ; 仿真 ; MAT LAB/ SIMULINK 中图分类号 : TM921. 51 文献标识码 : A [gap=670]Key words : softstart ; high starting torque ;thyristor ; discrete freqrency control ; simulation ; MAT LAB/ SIMULINK ..
This invention provides a kind of high starting torque squirrel cage type asynchronous elecric machine. It is composed of the stator 14, rotor, ends coverings, shaft bearings, etc.
Cylindrical rotor motor with high starting moment is applied and its protection standard meets IP54 Specifications. The duty cycles and power frequencies are available for various USES of the hoist.
Absorbed the best of both domestic and abroad advanced techniques, the motors are especially suitable for high starting torque and frequent starting of crane.