鸡腿是鸡从脚到腿的部位,及腿根一带的肉,其肉质颇坚硬,连皮一起摄取时,脂肪的含量较多,也是在整只鸡中铁分含量最多的一部分。 一种取自鸡的大腿的肉(带骨头的),当然他还有引申义:特指一些身体强健,能奔能跑(也称"跑不死")的人,一般都加儿化音,叫"鸡腿儿"。另外,还有小鸡腿就是翅根,是位于鸡翅下面的那一部分肉。
...十三香鸡腿的材料: 鸡腿(drumstick):8个,洋葱:1个;大葱:1段;大蒜:50g,老姜:5g;红辣椒:2根;香菜:适量,十三香,白胡椒粉,料酒,酱油,盐,糖,油各适量 ...
... fried chicken 炸鸡 ; 炸鸡 ; 煎鸡 ; 锅烧鸡 Chicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿 ; 鸡小腿 ; 鸡腿 Robot Chicken 机器鸡 ; 机器鸡 ; 第一季 ; 机器小鸡 ...
鸡腿菇 Coprinus comatus ; Coprinus ; Drumstick mushroom ; Goprinus comatus fungus
小鸡腿 chellocken drumsticks ; little chicken drumstick ; drumstick ; chicken drumstick
田鸡腿 frog legs ; frog leg
大鸡腿 Fresh Grade Legs ; Gread leg ; Fresh h Grade Legs
黄油焖鸡腿 braised chicken legs with butter
鸡腿蔬菜汤 chicken leg soup with vegetables ; chicken leg
扒鸡腿 Grilled Chicken Legs ; Braised chicken leg ; Grilled Chicken Drumsticks ; grilled chellocken drumsticks
细面条白汁鸡腿 chicken legs with spaghetti ; Chicken legs with thin noodles
焖鸡腿 Braised chicken legs ; Stewed chicken drumsticks ; braised chellocken legs
The first dish was roasted chicken. Immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady.
Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is delicate and easy to chew.
Little did he know that she hates drumsticks, even though all he wanted was the best for her.