ivory white 象牙白 ; 雪映白
ivory-white 乳白色
ivory white glaze 牙白釉彩
Ivory White Rose 象牙白玫瑰
Ivory White Peony 象牙白牡丹
Ivory White Carnation 象牙白康乃馨
Ebony ivory white 黑檀木白象牙
Ivory White Ceramic 象牙白陶瓷
Corolla Ivory White 花冠象牙白色
Her body was as white ivory, and her tail was of silver and pearl.
When Mary described the small ivory-white face and the strange black-rimmed eyes Dickon shook his head.
In rain or shine, winter or summer, whether you have ivory white skin or a dark complexion, your skin is always susceptible to sun damage.