In the study, the authors examined 20 preterm infants with a mean gestational age at birth of 29 weeks (range 26-35) and who were otherwise medically stable.
在这项研究中,作者观察20个平均出生胎龄在29周(从26 - 35周不等)的早产儿,他们都必须是病情稳定。
It has not only been observed in infants and in newborns, but also in fetuses of 12-14 weeks' gestational age.
不仅婴儿和新生儿有呵欠行为,就连12 - 14周的胎儿也会打呵欠。
Gestational age approximately _ 24 to 25 weeks. Perform an emergency hysterotomy to save the life of both the mother and the infant.
妊娠年龄大于等于24 25周的孕妇施行急诊剖宫产能同时挽救母亲和胎儿的生命。