Armillaria mellea 蜜环菌 ; 蜜环菌提取物 ; 供应蜜环菌提取物 ; 蜜环菌粉
Armillaria mellea Quelet 樱类根朽病菌 ; 桑根朽病菌 ; 茶树根配病菌 ; 马铃薯缠丝病菌
armillaria mellea neutral proteinase 担子菌中性蛋白酶
Armillaria mellea Extract 蜜环菌萃取
Armillaria mellea complexes 蜜环菌复合种
It was deduced that GAFP is an important protein functioning in the defense mechanism of rectricting the infection of Armillaria mellea in Gastrodia elata.
The results indicated that 10 % metabolic liquid of Armillaria mellea in PDA medium can inhibit the growth of Exscrohilum turcicum and Bipolaris maydis by 82 % - 85 %.
METHODS The pure companion fungus, strain of G. umbellata and Armillaria mellea on tree trucks were inoculated in flowerpots and covered by sandy soil.
方法 以树棒为载体 ,粗砂为基质 ,纯猪苓菌种、纯猪苓菌丝形成菌核伴生菌和蜜环菌为供试菌株 ,采用花盆栽培方法。