bacterial culture 细菌培养 ; 细菌的培养 ; 细菌作育
bacterial culture of CSF 脑脊液培养
bacterial culture of bile 胆汁细菌培养
bacterial culture of sputum 痰液培养
bacterial culture of gastric juice 胃液细菌培养
bacterial culture of pyogenic fluids 脓液培养
age of bacterial culture 细菌培养时龄
Bacterial culture system 细菌培养仪
filtered bacterial culture 过滤了的细菌培养液
To demonstrate their approach, they added the genes to a bacterium and found that a flask of the bacterial culture produced enough light to read a book by.
To demonstrate their approach they added the genes to a bacterium, and found that a flask of the bacterial culture produced enough light to read a book by.
"It's like we're ingesting a cup of [bacterial] culture," he said at the news conference.