Chinese potato 地瓜 ; 中国马铃薯 ; 山药 ; 红薯
Chinese Potato Journal 中国马铃薯 ; 马铃薯试管苗快繁过程中的污染及解决办法 ; 秋马铃薯育苗移栽高产栽培技术 ; 地膜早熟马铃薯复种菜花高产栽培技术
Chinese Potato Balls 地瓜圆子
Potato chips are an American invention, but most Chinese, for instance, do not know than Frito-Lay is an American company.
In fact, one of the reasons he called the site Tudou is because it is the Chinese word for potato - a play on the English term "couch potato".
实际上他给该网站取名“土豆”的原因之一就是因为中文里的“土豆(potato)”,是对英语里“电视迷(couch potato)”的戏称。
Chinese cabbage, spinach radish and potato are vegetable, we eat theirs root, stem, leaf or fruit.